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Thread #55999   Message #881188
Posted By: Teribus
03-Feb-03 - 06:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Subject: RE: BS: US & British war plans blocked

Your response to my earlier posting:

"Well, danged, Teribus. Im sure you cleared up the fact that the weapons inspectors indeed are not in Iraq to find hidden weapons. Don't make a lot of sense to me or probably 99% of the people in the world but if you say it then it has to be true."

The source of the passage quoted in my posting is from the United Nations web-site. The passage quoted clearly details the role of UNMOVIC. The, "...but if you say it then it has to be true." comment is being a bit childish don't you think? You appear unable to counter facts unless they support your personal view on things.

"So you know what the US has and oesn't have in the it's arsenal? I dought that. Seems every time they get a chance to blow up some folks they parade something out that the American people didn't know about."

Bobert, believe me, I do know that neither the US nor NATO has chemical, biological or bacteriological weapons in their ordinance inventories. Could they develope those weapons - of course they could. Would development of those weapons be desireable from the military point view - No they would not - Why, because they tend to be extremely unpredictable in terms of effect and totally indiscriminate. The US and NATO have developed highly sophisticated weapons delivery systems that are extremely accurate, therefore the need to resort to WMD is eliminated.

"Now as for that arsenal. Word of the street that nuclear bombs will be used."

Word on the street, Eh!!! Specific information from an authoritative source please Bobert. From everything I have read and listened to over the past few months Bobert, there has been no mention of the use of nuclear weapons by the US military - Could they use them - of course they could - the conditions and the situation under which they could be used are so improbable as to make mention of it laughable. But carry on Bobert - keep whipping the situation up for all you're worth, albeit on 100% speculation, rumour and fantasy - It's a lovely opportunity to relive those heady Vietnam Protest days Hmmmmmm?

Fact Tally So Far:

1. UN is living up to it's international responsibilities because of the actions of the USA.

2. UN Inspection Teams are in Iraq due to the initial stance taken by the USA which secured unanimous backing in the UNSC.

3. The US is not at war with Iraq

4. Whether there will be a war or not depends entirely on the actions taken by the Iraqi Government.