The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11680   Message #88148
Posted By: Banjer
20-Jun-99 - 07:05 AM
Thread Name: Brief Mudcat Biographies.
Subject: RE: Brief Mudcat Biographies.
I was born at an early age.....

First saw light in 1949 at the 97thGeneral Field Hospital, Frankfurt an Main, Germany. Never knew my real dad as he was rotated out shortly after i was born. Mom being a German national, and the fact that they had not yet married, had to remain behind. She went home to her mother in Dresden where we lived until I was 6 years old. She then made plans to come to Florida to care for an elderly aunt. Except for a hitch in the service, I have lived here since. Have two brothers and a sister all younger than me and not much contact with any of them. They all seem to have gone their seperate ways. Probably the age difference has alot to do with that. There are 8 years between myself and the next in line.

Early interest in music developed when step-dad got me to listening to the 'Grand Ole Opry' on WSM each Saturday night. Asked for and got a guitar for Christmas at 13, never learned to play it too well, discovered girls and that cut into a lot of time that I should have been practicing! Went into the service at 18, Army, Military Police (not my choice, wanted diesel mechanic school but in typical military fashion, got shafted into MP School. Probably some foulup by some idiot clerk who thought that MP=Motor Pool and MP also=Military police, so where's the difference?)

Got married after the servoce to wife 1, lasted too long, about a year and a half. Also got involved with foster children during that marriage. The foster home work lasted longer than the marriage! Remained single for a few years, still maintaining the foster home, working with older kids that could be left on their own while I went to my regular job. Usually had 2 to 3 boys at a time. Enjoyed that part of my life. Married a gal I had known since highschool days. Her husband bailed out after 14 years, leaving her alone with 5 kids, two girls, three boys aged from 13 to 4. Having been in touch with that group on at least a weekly basis and having known each of the kids since birth it was an easy transition. Adopted all five and life's been graet for 22 years. (The baby turned 25 this year) Along the way there has been an interest developed in music again, one not neccesarily shared by the rest of the crowd....I have built a lap dulcimer and more are in the works. I play at a banjo, one of these days I'll feel confident enough to "come out of the closet" with it! I do play it a civil War reenactments, but folks there expect that bad playing is what was heard in most CW settings anyway!! In reply to FADAC, de KC4EJR, 73's. I've been a HAM Radio op for 12 years. Equipment is currently out of commission, and has been replaced largely by computers which is an offchoot of the radio days!

Th-Th-Th-That's All Folks!!!!!