The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11699   Message #88167
Posted By: catspaw49
20-Jun-99 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: Happy Father's Day - The Randall Knife (Guy Clark)
Subject: RE: Happy Father's Day
Great Thread already................

RiB my friend, you are really selling me on Guy Clark!!!The CD is wearing out and that song you posted is just great!!! Hope you and Marge enjoy the day!

bbc (and Duane)...that's a beautiful sentiment and for all my over the top kind of humor, I also sincerely appreciate compassion, understanding and friends. As a Dad of children of the heart, my best to you and Duane this Father's Day.

General're right, it don't get much better! You have a great CD and family too. Happy Dad's Day.
