The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11699   Message #88174
Posted By: katlaughing
20-Jun-99 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: Happy Father's Day - The Randall Knife (Guy Clark)
Subject: RE: Happy Father's Day
Well, Rog is still a'bed. Lightening hit the microwave site near Cheyenne and he had to go there last night at 530p. Got home at 2a. I shall try to keep the cockatiel, C-More, quiet, as well as the rest of the critters, so that he may sleep a good long while; catch up on his rest. The only "kid" he has at home to contend with now is Merlee, the border collie, who gets really out of sorts when his "dad's" routine gets upset. He's just dying to go in there, jump up on the bed, and wake him up with a big wet kiss, just like a little kid. (He just gave up and went under the bed, to sleep in disgust!)

The man has been a wonderful father to my three whom he adopted after we married almost 20 yrs. ago. Our kids have told me many times how special he is to them and how much they appreciate all that he has done. This is especially meaningful coming from our son, Colin, as he was the oldest (9 yrs.) when we got together.

Whatever you might be a father to, children, pets, etc., I wish for you all the very best, today and always.
