The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56258   Message #882056
Posted By: Ella who is Sooze
04-Feb-03 - 04:17 AM
Thread Name: Music and Depression
Subject: RE: Music and Depression
Well, this christmas whilst putting up the tree. I had the radio on - listening to whatever came on.

I'd been in the attic to get the decorations, and had found my grans old scarf. Still smelt of old ladies, cigarettes and lavender water and hairspray.

My gran died 2 years ago which was a huge blow to me, and this got me thinking about her. I was putting up all the decs on the tree and then one of my songs I turn off usually if it comes on, came on the radio...

Bridge Over Troubled Water came on and the flood gates opened. Then every song after that just capitulated the situation to make it worse. Until I was a gibbering wreck. The only thing that knocked some sense into me, was reaching for some strong, kicking feisty Scottish diddle e dee. Which picked my mood up and had me dancing around the room.


Try and find your most favourite piece of music that is a mood lifter, and listen to it and that may help?

I get the occasional black dog - and at the moment it's all a bit hectic, with a very ill father. Moving house, and expecting hospital treatment myself. I just try and keep cheerful, have the odd crying blast and get on with it again. I remember all the good things in life, my loved ones, fantastic friends, gorgeous neices and nephews, and suportive partner and more. And whilst I sometimes don't want to do those gigs I am booked for, the sessions make up for it. And are usually a blast with no pressure.

So, don't give up on it all - just find that music that lifts you most!