The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11153   Message #88244
Posted By:
20-Jun-99 - 04:25 PM
Thread Name: annap's gathering
Subject: RE: annap's gathering
Hi Guys,

I finally have time alone. My honey is at work, and I've done all my food shopping and put clothes into the wash. Answered all my e-mail. Created some business cards and now... I have time to come to the Mudcat. Yeah!

Jerseys warm but overcast. All sorts of things have been going on in our town, but the very best news is I have found a fiddle player for our gathering. His name is Vance "something" the third. I have his card, but I don't want to search right now.

I walked into my favorite watering spot Friday night, it had just changed hands, and there on stage was a group playing Irish tunes, folk music, and there was a fiddle player. I very calmly waited til they finished.

I asked the fiddle player to come sit with us, and as Glenn knew most of the band (he knows all the musicians in the area), the fiddle player came and sat. We bought him a beer and proceded to tell him about Mudcat and the gathering. He was very excited and said it sounded wonderful. He's going to be at both gatherings.

July 17th. Everyones welcome.

Love, Annap