The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56258   Message #882442
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
04-Feb-03 - 02:07 PM
Thread Name: Music and Depression
Subject: RE: Music and Depression

I agree with Mary, the suicide attempt had everything to do with what was going on in that girlfriend's head. Go reread what Mary wrote. It's not your fault. As one who recently lost a loved one to suicide, I know that he had lots of very nice people around him who would have gone to extraordinary lengths to help him if he'd asked. His choice hurt a lot of people. You are deeply wounded by what may have been a serious attempt, or may have been the other type, a "cry for help." It's not your baggage to carry, if you can figure out how to let go of it.

We hit tough spots in our lives, when things seem to go wrong for a while, kind of an emotional domino effect. Things will stop toppling and you'll get through it.