The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56444   Message #882734
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
04-Feb-03 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Freedom to protest in the UK ?
Subject: BS: Freedom to proteset in the UK ?
I don'y usually take much interest in politics, as i reckon most politicians are bunch of lying scumbags.I meant to post this yesterday but i was busy all day and forgot, anyway=

A protest against war with Iraq was planned, [I think for Saturday), at Hyde Park, London, BUT, Jessa Jowells has banned the protest because, and I quote "It might damage the grass"!, what a load of crap, I thought this was a free country, and we had a right to peaceful protest! or is that only if you are not protesting about President Tony's war plans? I had no intention of going to this proteset march anyway, but the fact that it has been banned pisses me off, I heard this on BBC Radio 4 at 5pm yesterday.