The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55999   Message #882890
Posted By: Teribus
05-Feb-03 - 04:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Subject: RE: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Apologies for the "screaming" Bobert, it wasn't written that way by intent, only to interpose my comments to your prose.

Meanwhile, nothing you have offered up as a reasoned arguement to support your contention that the US will use nuclear weapons against Iraq stands up to any degree of 'critical' scrutiny. So you jump from that to the next available straw - Depleted Uranium Rounds.

Both Claymore and Don Firth have given fairly good descriptions of this type of ammunition. It's purpose is to destroy enemy armour (Army/Air Force application) and to 'shred' incoming surface skimming missiles (Naval application in close range point defence weapons). One thing I would like to see the statistics for, in relation to the use of this type of ammunition, are the incidence figures for those involved in the manufacture and testing of it. Are special measures in place, because there has been no great outcry about abnormal illnesses attributed that I am aware of. Both those processes, i.e. manufacture and testing would create the dust that Don talks about.

A greater threat to the environment is the careless discard of Ni-Cad batteries from watches, gameboys, calculators, etc.