The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11590   Message #88296
Posted By: Ferrara
20-Jun-99 - 07:09 PM
Thread Name: singalong songs
Subject: RE: singalong songs
Emmie, Hank sort of took the words right out of my mouth. When you lead or perform a song, your first job is to make sure you are thoroughly familiar with the song, both words and tune. Sometimes it works out fine if you have only recently learned all the words, as long as it's a song you've been familiar with for a long time and are sure of the tune and already know most of the words.

It can be excruciating either to listen to someone who forgets words and has to start over, or to someone who is only approximating the tune. I don't approve of making up a tune except in dire need! -- Someone will be sure to try to sing along using the accepted tune and will confuse the heck out of you.

One method for encouraging participation during the chorus is to gesture with your hands when it's time for the audience to sing. At a recent Civil War songs workshop, they weren't singing on a terrific chorus, so as I sang I just held out both hands at waist height and raised them toward me in a kind of "Come on" or "come here" gesture. I guess it communicated the idea of "sing along now", because at once a lot more people started singing. Also I know a guy who draws a circle in the air when he wants people to sing "one more round" of the last chorus.

The words to Good Night Irene are in the database in case you're curious. I searched for irene but you could also search for [good night irene]. But don't sing it if you aren't comfortable with it!

Sometimes it's better to sing a song you think of as a "chestnut" than to try to make a splash with something trendy that will come out shaky. Sometimes you can sing something you've known all your life and make it come out new and fresh and wonderful just because you're solidly behind it.

You sure seem to be going about this in a good way. Good luck next week and I hope the back problem doesn't last long! - Rita F