The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11680   Message #88319
Posted By: GUY Wolff
20-Jun-99 - 10:30 PM
Thread Name: Brief Mudcat Biographies.
Subject: RE: Brief Mudcat Biographies.
Born In North Western Connecticut to a wild and crazy art Family.{My dad was a abstract Impresionist who Helped start "The Chicago School Of Desighn" before moving east to chair the Art department At Brooklin Colege, Meet my mother and they had me in 1950}Grew up playin conga drum for somba crazed artist parties {They got voodoo candles to get Nixon out of office, it worked!}

Played rock&roll drums through to early and mid 60's

I fell in love with folk music while aprenticing at Jugtown Pottery in 1969 and have been playing music and making pots ever since.

Worked in potteries in southern wales in 70-71and sang my guts out.Northern England71-72{Penrith} Came home and stared playing in square-dance and bar bands mostly banjo ...slide guitar...concertinas...>>>Pottery from the break of noon>>>>

Theen in 1976 I started playing with a freind named Lui Collins and we did some of the Folk Sercut{ I Loved The Folkway in Peterbough NH }

Ive been making traditional pottery through all of it and have been working alot on the history of flower-pots mostly from the US but also from the UK with some eye-balling the Southern FRench..The flower-pot side of my life keeps getting bigger and bigger.I'm trying to help a village of potters in Honduras and am also working to pull together a guild of traditional craft out of Great Briton to show to american gardeners.I make around 50,000 pounds of pottery a year.

Because I help a national catalauge figure out its flower-pots and because they asked for it I made a vanity CD in 1997 and am lucky enough to be doing a second one coming out this mounth... I've been so lucky>>>It makes one want to just say thank you some- ware All my best to everyone Guy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>