The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11590   Message #88364
Posted By: Emmie
21-Jun-99 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: singalong songs
Subject: RE: singalong songs
thanks everyone for wishing me well for my back. It is still very painful but I saw my osteopath today and am hoping that will help. I agree about practising a lot before you sing and being comfatable with the song.It's a good job that I live on my own because I sing incessantly, walking down the street, in the bath etc... I have sung twice before an audience now and both times I was very familiar with the song. Everyone seems to do a little speech about the song before they sing it and this has always been the part I get the most nervous about. I am told that each time I have mumbled very quickly what the song is called and then belted out the song afterwards looking pretty confident and stamping my feet a lot, incidentally I find this helps me a lot!! I'll keep you posted on the singing saga and if I ever get down to the club again. cheers everybody Em