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Thread #56485   Message #884041
Posted By: Declan
06-Feb-03 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards
Subject: RE: BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards
Looking at it from this side of the water I'd say that BBC (at least Radio 2) have a reasonbaly high commitment to folk music, at least compared to RTE, our national broadcaster (with the notable exceptions of the Gaelic language stations Radio na Gaeltachta and TG4). At least there is a weekly program, a pretty good and active website and sponsorship of these awards and stages at a number of major festivals.

Congrats to Malinky on the nomination. As you say Mark most of the benefit is in getting your name heard and a nomination is good for this whether you win or not. I've had a look at the nominations and wouldn't have too many quibbles with the nominees, I've heard a lot of them and most of those I've heard I thought were reasonably good. I'm sure everybody could think of people who weren't nominated who deserved to be. The notion that some one (or group of people) is going to decide that Martin Simpson or John Mc Cusker or Tony Mc Manus or Eliza Carthy is the Musician of the Year seems a bit daft to me. I heard and enjoyed them all at some stage last year – I don't care who other people think is best I'll listen to any of them. But this is Music Biz stuff and a lot of that is about publicity.

It does seem a bit daft to me that "There were Roses" by Tommy Sands is nominated in the Best Original Song category. Not that its not a great song – its just that it must be at least 20 years old at this stage.