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Thread #55999   Message #884145
Posted By: Bobert
06-Feb-03 - 01:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Subject: RE: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Well, Don, you're right. There are a lot of people who are Phd's in physics and chemestry who do have concerns about U-238. Making DU rounds as tank killers is what the US has done. Only problem is that when a DU round punchs thru a tank it creates a firestorm of unanium dioxide which blows around and sticks to metal and contaminates the soil. According to Scott Peterson, a science writer for the Christain Science Mointor this dust "makes a Geiger counter sing".

Now the US used 320 tons of DU's in the Gulf War and killed somewhere around 4000 Iraqi armored vehicles and afterwards the Pentagon considered these contaminated vehicles to carry such a "substantial rsik" that they were buried in the Saudi desert.

Dr. Asaf Durcokovic, a former US Army Colonel, was fired from his job at a VA hospital in Wilmington, Delaware after he refused to stop performing reserach on his Gulf War patients who had high levels of uranium in their bodies and were experiencing symptoms of "Gulf War Syndrome". Hmmmmmm? Wouldn't you think the government would want as much info on the casues of the GWS, rather than balme it on other sources such as gas that *might* have been used by the Iraqis. Make that a big *might have*.

If the stuff is so harmless then why the PR campaign. Why not let scientists and physicans follow up on the effects of DU's. Right now, firing a guy for doing just that, does not add to the credibility of the governemnt's position, does it?
