The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56410   Message #884180
Posted By: Bobert
06-Feb-03 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq: Report of The Smoking Gun
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq: Report of The Smoking Gun

Me and my Wes Ginny slide rule can't fir the life of us figure out how someone goes about proving that *don't* have something. Is this one of those trick *negative numbers* think from calculis, or what?

Jusy curious.

I mean, the US has been supplying the inspectors, who T says ain't there to look for WMD's, with *intellegence* ( or whatever thet want to call it... seems like a msinomer to me but heck, ti's their game and they can call the stuff *orages* if the want)... ahhh, with all this *intellegence* nothing has been found that adds up to this big scarey thing that Bush has been screaming about ever since Saddam tried to "kill his daddy".

Okay, they found some aluminum tubes that at first they said we're up to snuff but then *became* up to snuff when they needed to come up with more stuff for yesterday's PR Performance....

Actually, Doug, I heard that you're hiding a WMD yerself and until you prove to me that you're not I'm going to just assume you are...

