The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56539   Message #884754
Posted By: GUEST,Claymore
07-Feb-03 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Truth' about Brit & Yank Claims on Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: 'Truth' about Brit & Yank Claims on Iraq
Well Hot Damn! I had part of a Masters thesis used in a similar fashion without attribution back in 98. My paper was on the conduct of mass casualty drills in a WMD environment in Washingtom DC, including a study of the disbursion effect of biological plume agents by helicopters being used in the casualty evacuation. Wait 'til the Brit papers hear this...

But I am suprised that the papers made no comment on whether the data was true, which in typical Brit tabloid fashion, made no difference at all...