The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11680   Message #88498
Posted By: John Wood
21-Jun-99 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: Brief Mudcat Biographies.
Subject: RE: Brief Mudcat Biographies.
I was born in south London in 48.Moved to Cornwall in 63(the year of the Beatles).Bought my first guitar in 65 and taught myself the basics.Lucky to have a constant stream of top artists at our local folk club(The Folk-Cottage).Picked up a lot from such people as Ralph McTell,Wizz Jones,Mike Chapman,Jerry Locklin,Bert Jansch ,John Renbourn and Davy Graham.
1970 I took a year off from the mechanical engineering course I was doing at Plymouth Polytechnic,and went off to seek fame and fortune in europe.
Ended up in Oslo(Norway)
Started out busking,but hung the guitar on the wall(big mistake!)when I got married,and we had four kids.
We broke up in 1990, and I took up music again as a kind of therapy.Found Irish music the year after,and it's been on the way up ever since.
1995 I produced a CD with 26 artists taken from the Irish jam sessions that we have,it's called strangely enough....``Oslo Sessions´´.I paid all the bills,the artists played for free,and we printed 1000 copies.
We've just about sold out,which isn't bad when you consider that we've only sold it at the local pub,and by word of mouth.
Hopefully nums.2 and 3 will soon be finished.
Enough said for now!!