The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56547   Message #885478
Posted By: smallpiper
08-Feb-03 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: BBC - Commitment to folk music??
Subject: RE: BBC - Comitment to folk music??
Guest, I am not arguing that English Folk music is more deserving, mearly pointing out that the English are ashamed of their heritage and the BBC contribute to that. Nor am I claiming that any other music is more deserving.

I don't think that anyone can disprove that there is an audience out there unless they try it and see. If there isn't then fair enough but unless an attempt is made then who will know?

Who the BBC employ to present their programmes is down to them and if they have a decent equal opportunities recruitment programme then why is it "White English Men" as you put it, that present these programmes? But isn't that a different issue?