The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56562   Message #885547
Posted By: GUEST
08-Feb-03 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
I truly am glad y'all are looking at this stuff. All of us have a stake in this. Without our freedom, we have nothing.

As for, I've known this stuff for quite a while now. It's just that every day more damning evidence comes out, and the fire just won't die down.

Normally I focus on Sept 11, because the globalists left TOO MANY smoking guns around on that one. But no one seems interested. I believe the denial is just for mental self-protection, because the evidence that our govt did the deed is there in abundance. But people try to turn it into a Rep/Dem thing, etc. No one wants to admit the possibility that our 'president' hid out among a bunch of human shield children when the bombs were flying.

But now, as the time for the Concentration Camps approaches, people are HAVING to admit to some ugly truths, and that's good. For all my screaming about Sept 11 over the past year and a half, one silly TV spot did more to sober people up than anything I could have ever thought of. Equating SUVs with terrorism. That was SUCH a blunder. The govt is SO inept sometimes. That ad woke up millions to the fact that WE are the targets.

I still think if Bush / Clinton were held accountable in an open hearing for Sept 11, America could begin a turnaround in the tyrannical takeover of the world, but apparently that hearing will never take place. So it's come down to pointing out how our CONGRESSIONAL MEMBERS are telling us how concentration camps are 'for our own protection'.

What a world.