The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56562   Message #885553
Posted By: Bobert
08-Feb-03 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

This is what GUEST does. One can tell by the time he or she spends at the computer, that GUEST doesn't have time for the Kazinski stff. This is what GUEST thinks is GUEST's purpose in the "resistence movement" and one must admit that GUEST ain't a slacker.

Is for the "true believers" part of your post. When Eric Hoffer coined the phrase he wa talking about folks who *do not* question authority. I won't speak for Little Hawk but I question just about everything that is thrown at me. I spent several years working in a drug rehb progrma and those expeiences helped me developa keen sense when someone is either lieing to me or trying to manipulate me. The little warning siren in my thinkerator has served me very well through out my life and helped me steer clear od bad Karma situations.
