The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56562   Message #885585
Posted By: GUEST,Conspiracy Guest
08-Feb-03 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
I can prove it. I can prove it all. Pigeonhole it as a rant if you want, but people have killed for thousands of years over religion, so why wouldn't they pool their intellects to kill for something TANGIBLE? Like money?

All that wealth from the old Empires didn't just vanish. It was re-invested. The Spanish royal family and the Dutch royal family...trillionaires many times over.

And the paper money system we've all been taught is the norm is about to be revealed for what it is...worthless. So when the people who hold the loans want you to pay off, and the money they've printed has lost all value, what are you going to do? You'll be forced at gunpoint to give them your 'real' estate.

I'm glad you picked that as an example of one of my 'rants', because it is the absolute crux of the problem.