The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56542   Message #885903
Posted By: Neighmond
09-Feb-03 - 12:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Will US GoToWar With Iraq?-CastVoteHere
Subject: RE: BS: Will US GoToWar With Iraq?-CastVoteHere
it is certian. That damndable sneaking Bush is conniving any way he can to get us into another silly damnded "conflict" and it'll be just as bad a Viet Nam. The price of oil is through the blasted roof because of the "uncertanty" of the middle east situation. Guess who has their grubby shitehooks in the middle of that? Three guesses, me dears, and the first two don't count. He is "psyching" Americans up for a war, just like some good ministers will often "energize" the congregation by playing rousing gospel before the sermon. there is rattling of sabres.