The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56562   Message #885988
Posted By: GUEST
09-Feb-03 - 07:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
What government are you talking about, Neighmond? If it's the U.S., where do you want to start?

Not being sanctimonious here, but I have a view of things which explains pretty much every foul deed the U.S. is committing right now. And I'm 99% sure of it. Pick a topic if you want. The proof is there. And yesterday...this is SO great...the Atty General got caught with his MOTIVE for the next terrorist attack showing. He is planning new police-state measures. Planning them and drawing up the legislation while denying it. And he just got busted. As in any criminal trial, you ask who benefitted from the crime. And with terrorism in the U.S., the government of the U.S. is the only winner. Always. And their defense contractors and corporate sponsors. And now, for once, the PEOPLE are ahead of the game with smoking gun proof BEFORE the attack. Proof of who will benefit. The govt will benefit from increased anti-terrorism funding and additional police measures after the next 'terrorist' attack. That would make the U.S. government the most likely suspect in a line-up to 'pick the terrorist'. But select a topic...environmentalism, child welfare, war, economics... It might be interesting.

And Guest...Bohemian Grove...just do a search at , that'll turn up items on Bohemian Grove. The Bushes and others involved in demon worship. Denied for years, then caught on film, now presented like it's no big thing. Annual 'Cremation of Care' ceremony involving human sacrifice in front of a 40-foot stone owl. Or mock human...who knows? But still, the fact that our Presidents engage in that while claiming to be Christian is disturbing.