The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56605   Message #886077
Posted By: Amos
09-Feb-03 - 11:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Got Rights? Not For Long!
Subject: RE: BS: Got Rights? Not For Long!
An excerpt of the conversation between Bill Moyers and Lewis concerniing the draft legislation:

MOYERS: Including lawful permanent resident aliens. It would give the government the power to keep certain arrests secret until an indictment is found never in our history have we permitted secret arrests. It would give the government power to bypass courts and grand juries in order to conduct surveillance without a judge's permission. I mean these do really further upend the balance between liberty on the one hand and security on the other.

LEWIS: Well, they do. They reduce judicial oversight with the secret intelligence courts instead of saying the court may do this now it's the court will do this. They can have ex parte conversations where they go into the judge without anyone else around. In terms of information about detainees, not only can they detain anyone they'd like to detain, there is no public information about it.

Journalists cannot find out the names of ? we detained over a thousand people after September 11th because we thought they might all be terrorists. Not one of them was really found with any criminal charges to be a terrorist. And we don't know the names of almost all those people, still. And so it does appear that everything that folks might be concerned about with the Patriot Act, this is times five or times ten is what I look at it. I see it as very serious.


This is unnerving, I do declare. Unilateral, premeditated invasions of foreign nations,
and star courts... these popele have learned nothing!!