The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56562   Message #886134
Posted By: GUEST
09-Feb-03 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
No, no, no. The Great Depression coming up won't be like the others. What's coming is unprecedented.

Always before, the local banks just wanted the local people to continue paying at least the INTEREST on their mortgages. The local bankers were locked into the false paper money paradigm, too.

But now things are different.

The U.N. has called for an 80-90% reduction in global population, so you won't be ALLOWED to pitch your tent anywhere. You will be sent to one of the concentration camps, or locked within your city.

This is the FINAL consolidation. The global elites estimate they need half a billion people to maintain the planet, so not many of us will make it through this alive.

What makes this mass-culling possible is technology. Like this story:

I read the first two paragraphs and bookmarked it to look at later, but it talks about EMP weapons. Electro Magnetic Pulse. And they say they're not fully operational. BS. These things have been around for a while. And just as they can be used in Iraq, they can be used over YOUR city. They will fry all cars, computer, electronic music equipment, wrist watches, pace-makers...anything with an electronic circuit in it. So how are you going to truck that tent down the road to safety? Most cars on the road now have electronic circuits in them.

No, this takeover has been thought out well. In the U.S., the illegitimate 'govt' can now shut down all cities for the 'threat' of bioterrorism. Food riots begin 4 days later, and it will be too 'dangerous' to send in riot-control cops or military. A week later half the people in the city will be dead, and THEN the cops will mop up. The 'foreign assets' will probably be released on the countryside to plunder (give them incentive to perform their work with gusto if they can pull the gold out of your head).

And when 90% of the property in the world has been cleared and all the lower classes are massed into cities, the cities can be zapped with microwave weapons (already being fitted to the new series of drone planes), and over the next couple hundred years the sub-intelligent new class of drone-humanoids can patiently go about cleaning up the planet...restore it to 'original condition' for the elites. Their children will inherit a pristine world.

See, the elites needed lots of people in the world...for a while. We had to develop the life-extending technologies for them...AND the computers to continue the discovery work. And now that that's done, we're no longer needed. We've created the weapons of our own destruction, and the elites are going to use them against us so they can better enjoy what they feel they've earned.

America has been a special case, too. We've been allowed so many freedoms because there had to be at least one island of unrestricted intellectual freedom in the world. Look at all the Nobel Prize winners America has produced. Why hasn't China, with 6 times our population even RIVALED us in that arena? Because they're not free. So America did it's job...developed a lot of the new technologies and served as a 'safe investment' for the people deluded by the phony paper money system, and now we're not needed anymore. 3 million new concentration camp beds completed last month.

Buy guns.