The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #601   Message #886370
Posted By: Felipa
09-Feb-03 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Req: Dream Angus
Subject: RE: Words to "Dream Angus"
there are loads of references to Dream Angus on the web
I didn't look at all of them, but I did find a story at the
Tannahill weavers' site:
"A song from Ross to finish the side. A classic, almost fairy tale lyric wherein the fine young clan chief is slain in battle. Dream Angus is the Scottish "sandman" who comes 'round at night to help the children off to sleep. Unlike other countries' sandmen, Angus brings with him a bottle of whisky. If the child is not fast asleep by the time the whisky is finished, he wallops them over the head with the empty bottle"

for the tune (though I didn't listen to any)
mp3 Kaye:
real audio Elspeth Cowie;
score based on Dream Angus;