The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56539   Message #887023
Posted By: GUEST,Claymore
10-Feb-03 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Truth' about Brit & Yank Claims on Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: 'Truth' about Brit & Yank Claims on Iraq
CarolC, as you know, I differ with Bush in at least two major areas, abortion and gun law administration.

As for Iraq, he's running behind me, as you know I wanted Clinton in there three years ago. I did note that you state the Bush Administration has "sanctified my position," which should indicate that I held the position before Bush was a dot on the political horizon. But since the world, the Bush Administration, and the God-Almighty Washington Post, have come to MY POSITION, me and my battleship are doing just fine , thank you... ;}

Now for Gods Sake, read every word of GUEST post's, so you have a clue what you are condoning... Bobert, you too; your future credibility hangs in the balance (IMO).

And GUEST: the Mena airstrip "connection" was LaRouche crap 15 years ago and I had the pleasure of putting him in jail for five years in 1988. (Not over that issue, but taxes and loan fraud). Judge Albert V Bryant ruled on that issue during the trial, at the Federal Courthouse in Alexandria, VA. If your going to come up with a wackoid conspiracy, at least try to come up with a new one...