The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56714   Message #888498
Posted By: Big Mick
12-Feb-03 - 09:33 AM
Thread Name: Today was a good day
Subject: RE: Today was a good day
You know somethin', Jerry? I had gotten myself to the point, in my mind, where I just felt like The Mudcat was like a neighborhood past its prime. It had gone, for me, from a unique gathering spot for musicians to talk about music and the issues that spawned the music, to a lot of folks using it to just talk so they could hear the sound of their own voices. I found myself doing this. Mind you, this isn't necessarily a bad thing because some folks need that. In fact, that makes it a good thing. Just not a thing for me. For me, it had lost its freshness. And it had lost its ability to inspire me to think, and talk through tough issues. And so I had reduced myself to just popping in and looking around whenever I felt like it. I stay in touch, because there are many of you that I want to meet 3D someday. But a couple of things have happened in the last few days that make me see the value of this place again. I see my friend Rick perform in Windsor with all he is dealing with, and I am inspired deeply. I listen to the songs he chooses and watch his delivery, and I realize how lucky I am to know this amazing layabout. I look at his wife Heather, and watch her clap and laugh at every song, even though she has heard it so many times, and I realize it is because she absolutely loves watching him perform and loves the man. And I realize, again, what a good day it is and how lucky I am to know people like this. I meet ddw, Devilmaster, and maire-aine.....find they are great, think back to all of those that I have met and come to know, and realize what a good day it was when I found this place. There are those here that I literally have come to love in a familial way and you know who you are, and my life is better for that. I have had Dan Milner and Ed Trickett give me songs to record.......who'd a thought????.....and just the pondering of that makes it a good day. Yeah, our neighborhood is suffering a little for the fools, but if I look for the good instead of those with problems, I find it is still the place I came to love. Yep, it is a good day.

Jerry, you started this because you saw all the despair over impending events and you realized that the folks in this place needed to close their eyes, forget the problems, open them up and look at all they are blessed by, instead of all that is scary. That is a reflection of the faith you live so well, my friend. You don't preach, you provide an example. What you are speaks louder than what you say you are. In your case, that is a good thing, no.....a great thing. God bless you.

Today you made me realize again how much I love this place. Today is a good day.

All the best,
