The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56714   Message #888887
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
12-Feb-03 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: Today was a good day
Subject: RE: Today was a good day
Big Mick: Like you, I run through dry spells with Mudcat... especially recently. I mean, how many threads do we need telling us that Bush is an arrogant, dangerous man? I already know that. In case I should forget, all I have to do is turn on the news, watch TV or read the paper. I don't read the Iraq threads either. Again, I can read or watch more than I want to on the topic, and everyone who comments on it has some agenda that you have to figure out to try to get at what you think is the truth (that fits your agenda.) It's not that I disagree with the threads, because I don't. I just don't want to stop in at Mudcat to read about BW or Osama, or Saddam.

But, Max is very wise. He has given us this site to make of it what we want. I'm glad that there is the freedom to rant and rave, whether I agree with everything or not. But, I don't want to give up the site completely to politics and endless disgruntled threads. We have the freedom to make Mudcat whatever we want it to be. Max has given us that, and we should be grateful to him. I see much in life to enjoy, have a hearty laugh over, or just a subtle smile. Life is too good to be lost in the obvious stresses that we live in with every day. C-Flat understands all of this. The trick is to see how many things we have to be thankful for when we've had what, by all descriptions would be called a lousy day. Even lousy days have much to be thankful for.

A while back, I was standing in an express line at the supermarket. A young woman was behind the counter, and was obviously new on the job. She kept making mistakes, and the guy in front of me just got nastier and nastier. The more he made mean-spirited remarks, the more nervous she became. Finally I said to him, "My wife and I were just up visiting someone with terminal cancer who will never be able to stand up again. I know that she'd be very happy to be able to trade places with you." He didn't acknowledge that I'd even spoken to him, but after he checked out, he turned to me, and to the young woman behind the counter and said, "Have a nice day!"

That was a good day, too..

Stick around, Big Mick... we need you.
