The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11749   Message #89000
Posted By: Peter T.
23-Jun-99 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: Sherry Aims, Folk Nurse
Subject: Sherry Aims, Folk Nurse
Equal opportunity storytelling, anyone?!

Sherry Aims, Folk Nurse

Tousling her hair, and taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Sherry Aims entered Dr. Guthrie Guthrie's outer office. It was her first day on her new job, and she wanted to make an impression, especially on Dr. Guthrie Guthrie, whom she had not yet seen. In the outer office, sat a motley crowd of broken folkies, nursing bad cheques, dressed in bad checks, carrying sick instruments, assorted broken fingers, shattered guitar cases, and cases of the DTs.
"Morning, Ms. Aims," chirped Bella Rhymney, Dr. Guthrie's voluptuous secretary. "Dr. Guthrie says you are to go right in."
So this was it. She would now be able to go into the "Inner Office". She straightened her heaving bosom, tripped over a possum ocarina some idiot had left on the floor, and hastened to knock on the door.
"Come in," growled a handsome voice. Even the sound of his voice thrilled her like someone running a bottleneck up her spine.