The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11741   Message #89020
Posted By: Fadac
23-Jun-99 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: True Detective Stories
Subject: RE: True Detective Stories
Getting out of the car I looked around. Oh, Crap, there was an unmarked car just behind us. There are three guys sitting in the front seat. Little guys, one had a bowl cut of hair, the middle one had a big doo, bald in the middle hair out the sides, you know, clown cut. That last dude was a round sort, real short hair. I walks back to there car.

"Hey, Buddy, got any jumper cables?", I asked real nice like.

"Shaddap", and the bowl cut guy, slaps the living shit out of the guy in the middle, the last guy is some sort of idiot, he kept saying "nuck nuck nuck"

"Yeah, we got jumper cables." The driver gets out and goes to the back. At the same time the other two get out too and run back to the trunk.

"Who do you guys work for?", I ask nicely.

"Oh, were working for Lt. Nezbitts", replied the long haired one.

"Shutup, were not suppose to tell any one", the bowl one said and I swear, slapped the shit out of him again.

"nuck nuck nuck"

"Ok, What's youses names?", I ask a little less friendly like.

"I'm Moe", said bowl cut "I'm Larry", responded big hair. "I'm Curley", answered the bald one, "nuck nuck nuck"

God, Nesbits stooges, all three of them. What's a hardworking PI to do.

"Why don't you lend me your battry?", I ask.

"Why shure, alwise ready to help a motorist", said Moe helpfully.

The lugged the big six volt battery out of there Ford, and stuck it in my jalopie.

Varooom, ROAR, Caugh, Sputter, and Zoom, I floor the old car and I'm gone in a flash. I look in the mirror and see the three taking turns slapping and kicking each other. I almost feel sorry for Nesbit, having to deal with those three....NOT!