The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2263   Message #8907
Posted By:
17-Jul-97 - 03:45 PM
Thread Name: T-Shirts
Subject: RE: T-Shirts
Dick.. T-shirt design is my business. I have been a professional illustrator and graphic artist in the imprinted sportswear industry since 1981. My work has sold in resort areas and national parks from Hawaii to Main, from Yellowstone to Disneyland, to Dollywood, and everywhere in between. I suggest you keep it simple as you first suggested, with a small front print with the logo, and your phrase on the back. A dark blue shirt with light blue ink printed on it would work better for both men and women than the light blue shirt. I freelance for a number of manufacturers, and I can help you out in getting bids on the shirts and printing. Alice in MT