The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56867   Message #891723
Posted By: KarlMarx
16-Feb-03 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Vote to Impeach Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Vote to Impeach Bush
Did you know it has been made illegal to hold marches near the UN Headquarters in New York . . . ?

   "Citing 'this time of heightened security,' a federal judge ruled yesterday that the city did not violate the First Amendment when it banned anti-war demonstrators from marching near the United Nations on Feb. 15.

U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones said the demonstrators' First Amendment rights were not violated by the city's decision to confine the protest to a plaza near the U.N. complex. She said the city's need to protect the public outweighs the right of demonstrators to proceed with plans to march past the U.N. or to march at all.

'While the court recognizes the distinct importance of marching, the city's restriction on marching is not a restriction on pure speech, but rather a restriction on the manner in which plaintiff may communicate its message,' Jones wrote . . ."

   Well, you may want to surrender your freedoms for a few whiffs of illusory security, but the rest of us don't . . .