The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56882   Message #892041
Posted By: Frankham
17-Feb-03 - 10:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: politics: Very disappointed in CNN today
Subject: RE: BS: politics: Very disappointed in CNN today
Doug, you said,
"Come on folks! The polls still show that the majority of U. S. citizens still support the President!"

I thought this president didn't believe in polls. Anyway, that's what he said. But who can really trust that?


I think that the country is caught in the grip of hysteria. One of the ways out is to deny that there's anything that is not being handled right by the powers in office. It was Richard Perle who said, "We need to un-contextualize 'terror'".
What this means is to use it as a catch-all phrase to condemn those with which the adminstration has a problem. The old buzz word during McCarthy times was "communist". Now it's "terrorist". The news network is in the grip of hysteria instigated by the propagandistic techniques of the Ashcroft office. If they scare people enough with their orange and red code alerts, people will react fearfully and turn off their thinking. CNN and all of the rest of the network news organizations depend on ratings and it's safe to talk about the things that they do.

The present administration is crippling the country with hysteria and it's reflected in it's new broadcasts. Don't count on the media to give you accurate reports on the world situation anymore. After all, that's what the Republicans have been saying for years about the "liberal" media, you can't trust 'em. Now the shoe is on the other political foot and they were right, you can't trust 'em.

Frank Hamilton