The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11749   Message #89208
Posted By: katlaughing
23-Jun-99 - 09:22 PM
Thread Name: Sherry Aims, Folk Nurse
Subject: RE: Sherry Aims, Folk Nurse
As she slowly and cautiously took the few steps over to him, he held out the neat little banjo. She took it in her arms, while he, moving behind her, circled her and the banjo with those deeply tanned and very muscular arms. Giving her a little squeeze, he smiled at her, showing off a brilliant set of white teeth, so sparkly she caught a glint of sunshine on them; the smile just kept going up to his deep hazel green eyes. "Now", he said with a husky voice filled with testoterone, "let's see what you can do with this baby, Sherry. Go ahead, play me anyway, er... I mean anything you want!"