The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56852   Message #892108
Posted By: Teribus
17-Feb-03 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Do u think the a war on Iraq is legit?
Subject: RE: BS: Do u think the a war on Iraq is legit?
As gnu up top there said yes and the UNSC thinks so too.

A couple of questions relating to the report delivered last Friday.

The telexed announcement that the Iraqi Parliament had declared to rennounce WMD and abandon all programmes relating to them. As much as it was worth this was also backed up by a Presidential Decree from SH.

SH also told the heads of the UNMOVIC and IAEA Inspection Teams that he was setting up two Revolutionary Command Council Commissions tasked with cleansing Iraq of WMD and associated bits and pieces.

WHY? Isn't all this stuff that he has repeatedly stated that he does not have - You know that full and accurate declaration that the UNSC asked him to hand in around the beginning of December.

Still been offered no reasonable explanation for their attempt to acquire one ampules of Atropine - We don't have CB weapons so it can only be to protect himself against the stuff he knows that he has got squirrelled away.