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Thread #56882   Message #892142
Posted By: GUEST
17-Feb-03 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: politics: Very disappointed in CNN today
Subject: RE: BS: politics: Very disappointed in CNN today
I was just watching CNN's "American Morning" program today, and although I can't remember the male talking head's name, I was really put off by his cynicism and obvious contempt for demonstrators they were discussing. I was, however, heartened by hearing former Senator George Mitchell say that public opinion, especially those of the demonstrators in the Western democracies, very important to ANY debate, and must be taken into account in any democracy. He also pointed out that Blair is in serious trouble of being the first victim of "regime change" if the UN Security Council doesn't pass a multi-lateral resolution authorizing military action. He said he didn't think Blair's government would survive a unilateral action without UN Security Council approval by Bush.

I agree with Frank and Jeri. The mainstream media is blatantly attacking the integrity of dissenters with "terrorist baiting" tactics, in the same way the "red baiting" was done with dissenters in previous eras.

As to the disingenuous claim that the majority of Americans support the Bush administration's plans to invade Iraq, that simply ignores the very steady poll numbers, hovering around 62%, ONLY if the military action against Iraq has the support of the UN, as former Senator Mitchell also pointed out. However, when the media whores make this disingenuous claim about "the majority of Americans" not only do they not explain that there is only majority support for multilateral action with UN backing, nor do they address--at all--the substantial percentage of Americans who are opposed to an invasion of Iraq under any circumstances.

I truly believe that disingenuous propaganda mask is being peeled off the mainstream media layer by layer right now in the US, as more and more people see that the only people at the mainstream media's table are Beltway politicians and Beltway media whores, and that the American people are finally beginning to doubt more and more of what they are being told by mainstream media, because they themselves see such a disconnect between the citizenry's lived reality, and the spin, as Guest Anti-war moderate has pointed out.