The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56867   Message #892171
Posted By: GUEST,Forum Lurker
17-Feb-03 - 12:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Vote to Impeach Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Vote to Impeach Bush
I agree with InOBU. Bush, by ordering the extrajudicial killings (read murder) of several suspected terrorists, and those who happened to be sharing a car with them at the time, has committed murder through the abuse of presidential authority. That is a much more severe crime than lying about receiving oral sex. Whether or not they would have been convicted if arrested and tried really doesn't enter into the picture. Anyone who commits illegal acts abusing their authority is not merely unfit to be president, but a menace to society as long as he holds power.

Oh, and Giddyupgo, threatening to use nuclear weapons on a psychotic whom you claim has biological and chemical weapons doesn't strike me as "long range thinking."