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Thread #56882   Message #892275
Posted By: harvey andrews
17-Feb-03 - 02:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: politics: Very disappointed in CNN today
Subject: RE: BS: politics: Very disappointed in CNN today
In reply to Jeri's query, this seems to me to be the most disturbing thing to come out of this entire mess. A bully is loose. If the present US administration can threaten germany like this, they can threaten everyone, UK included. I feel this attitude will only lead to more anti-American feeling and a strengthening of the Euro block if only for its own self-preservation. The below is a condensed report from "The Observer" newspaper, a national Sunday daily of high repute and integrity.

"America is to punish Germany for leading international opposition to a war..The US will withdraw all its troops and bases from there and end military and industrial co-operation ...moves that cuold cost the Germans billions of Euros. The plan...discussed by Pentagon officials..on the orders of Donald Rumsfeld.. is designed to 'harm' the German economy to make an example of the country..."We are doing this for one reason only; to harm the German economy" one source told the Observer..."Our troops contribute many millions of dollars. Why should we continue to support a country which has treated NATO...with such incredible contempt?"
Another Pentagon source said "The aim is to hit German trade and commerce. It is not just about taking our troops and equipment out; it is also about cancelling commercial contracts and defence-related arrangements."
The Pentagon plan and the language expressed by officials close to Rumsfeld has horrified State Dept officials, who believe that bullying other countries to follow the US line will further exacerbate anti-Americanism and alienate those European countries that might give support.
"After this, Germany is finished as a serious power" a source added. Rumsfeld was " furious at Germany.He is a bruiser and it looks like he means to do it."

So there you are, how to win friends and influence people. In the US you may not have seen Fischer the German minister shouting at Rumsfeld on TV that he was not convinced of the need for war. The cameras showed Rumsfeld seething. This is his response to a democratically expressed opinion by a friendly as we say or else...I think this bodes very ill for the future of us all and if carried through will lead to very serious long term ramifications.