The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56882   Message #892694
Posted By: GUEST,The Hated Guest
17-Feb-03 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: politics: Very disappointed in CNN today
Subject: RE: BS: politics: Very disappointed in CNN today
The American public didn't elect Bush. Rehnquist, O'Connor, Thomas, Stevens and that mafia judge did.

Bush has two simple tasks to perform while in the White House.

1) Domestic agenda...destroy America. Do this by wrecking the economy and ramming through Hitlerian legislation.

2) Make America an international pariah. Achieve this by abrogating all treaties in the early part of his term, then, start a phony war which defies logic and insults old allies. Unite the fragmented European Union in the only way it CAN be united (by an outside threat in the form of a rogue U.S.), and set America up as the Iraq of the future.

Bush's actions will result in domestic calamity (which will end up with the U.N. having to 'assist' America), and international calamity (which will end up with the U.N. making peace between the three new spheres of influence...American, European and Asian). Bush is merely an actor in the script written by the organized crime syndicate known as the United Nations.