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Thread #56867   Message #892785
Posted By: GUEST,Oldguy
18-Feb-03 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Vote to Impeach Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Vote to Impeach Bush

I think I have all of your postings gathered together here.

Which one was an answer to a question posed buy anybody in this thread? What do the three periods mean?

To hell with impeachment: the little pseudo-messiah should be hauled up in front of the War Crimes Tribunal at The Hague. Too bad that he doesn't probably know where The Hague is, though . . .

Obviously some people find fellatio in the Oval Office (and granted, lying about it) to be more egregious than the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians . . .

"Dick" Cheney is already in the driver's seat - with Boy George comfortably ensconced on his lap, with a huge grin on his face . . .
Here's an even more disgusting image: Boy George is Dick Cheney's hand puppet - sort of like Lambchop . . .
Yeah: like Karl Rove, "God's man in the White House." Wayne Madsen calls him America's Joseph Goebbels . . .
A good, but scary book is "Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential," by James C. Moore and Wayne Slater. Talk about the power behind the outhouse throne . . .
Thanks for the link. The Suskind article was very interesting. It reminds me that Hitler loved little children, and puppy dogs, too - as long as they were good, Aryan kinder, and presumably, good Aryan hunde, as well . . .
Did you know it has been made illegal to hold marches near the UN Headquarters in New York . . . ?
   "Citing 'this time of heightened security,' a federal judge ruled yesterday that the city did not violate the First Amendment when it banned anti-war demonstrators from marching near the United Nations on Feb. 15.
U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones said the demonstrators' First Amendment rights were not violated by the city's decision to confine the protest to a plaza near the U.N. complex. She said the city's need to protect the public outweighs the right of demonstrators to proceed with plans to march past the U.N. or to march at all.
'While the court recognizes the distinct importance of marching, the city's restriction on marching is not a restriction on pure speech, but rather a restriction on the manner in which plaintiff may communicate its message,' Jones wrote . . ."
   Well, you may want to surrender your freedoms for a few whiffs of illusory security, but the rest of us don't . . .

Giddyup: if you and your idol Boy George are so right, why don't you both go over to Iraq, and remove Saddam Hussein yourselves, or are you like that cowardly little turd in the White House: a person who'd rather have someone else do the killing and dying for you . . .

Well, "GUEST,johnm," you must be an idiot, because you've just contributed to this idiotic discussion . . .

Beccy: I suppose Boy George calling Vladimir Putin "Pootie-Poo" is the type of maturity that we should all look up to. And while we're at it, I wonder what type of mature comments you had to utter concerning Bubba's little tryst in the Oval Office a few years ago . . .

I'm sure your three kids, if they've been in school for any amount of time, have already heard something about fellatio. That being the case, I'm also certain that they could teach you a thing or two about the topic . . .

Believe me, Beccy, from all that I've seen you say, you aren't important enough to disappoint me . . .

'm so chastised . . .
   You're right. I should be ashamed of myself: I really shouldn't match wits with the witless - it isn't fair to intellectually incapacitated people like Beccy and Old Guy.
   But, I will add this: it seems that most of the people who are offended by my acerbic attacks on Boy George are his warmongering supporters. Why don't you people, who don't give a damn how many Iraqis this country is going to murder, climb back in the sewer with Bush and his right-wing sycophants . . .

Sorry, Ebbie, but I find Bush and his supporters offensive - offensive like a pile of dog feces at a debutante ball. Like their cowardly little idol, who was sniffing coke when other people, who couldn't get a draft deferment, were dying in Vietnam, the right-wingers now are satisfied to sit at home and send someone else off to kill, and die . . .

Old Guy: I apologize for using bad language like "Bush," "Conservative," Republican," "Right-wing . . ." Ooops, there I go again . . .
If you can't take the heat . . .

I've responded to your questions, Old Guy, but you simply don't like my answers. Sorry . . .

Old Guy