The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56867   Message #892945
Posted By: GUEST,Casual Observer
18-Feb-03 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Vote to Impeach Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Vote to Impeach Bush
I read Ramsey Clark's articles. He makes many accusations, but unless I just outright missed it, presents no actual evidence to support these accusations. He says that the present administration has authorized and condoned assassinations, but doesn't say who has been assassinated, when the assassinations were authorized, etc., etc.

Naturally, those of you who don't like the President are keen to jump on the bandwagon without asking yourself why. It just seems like the thing to to, so you do it.

Say that Bush does nothing. Say that next year, Hussein drops a load of smallpox on us. Then you'll all be wanting to know why he didn't do anything. But you are the same people who think the President should be held to a higher standard as long as it doesn't involve blow jobs and interns.

I find it extremely interesting, that no one, at least not that I have seen here, has mentioned the torture reports of Amnesty International. If they are true, then Saddam Hussein has already killed and maimed many of his own people, and others. If you are for human rights, do you not believe he should be punished? Is it okay for him to gouge out eyes and electrocute genitals? Is it okay for his goons to rape a man's mother while he is forced to watch?

Just curious.