The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2291   Message #8933
Posted By: rich r
17-Jul-97 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: Suggestions for Rise Up Singing II
Subject: RE: Suggestions for Rise Up Singing II
I have sort of solved the RUS problem by going out of my way to do a different version of many of the good songs that are in RUS. Fortunately there is only one other person in the circle here with a copy of it. He often does things pretty straight out of the book, but is tolerant and frequently says "that's an interesting version (tune) (chord progression)". I think some of RUS' chords are pretty goofy but at least they are a starting place. I don't think it should be given the status of the divinely inspired and officially sanctioned by a panel of bishops hymnal of singable songs.

rich r