The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56975   Message #894502
Posted By: Troll
20-Feb-03 - 03:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam Has Got To Go
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam Has Got To Go
Chirac also threatened the countries who are seeking admission into the EU that their support of America would hold up their admission for a long time.
Rather tough talk from a man whose real purpose in avoiding a war in Iraq is to protect the billions of dollars in Iraqui oil contracts held by French companies and the quite substantial load of IOU's now being held by Saddam's govt.
The French are scared spitless that a new government wouldn't honor any of those, either contracts or IOU's.
So much for the French moral high ground.
No, I don't recall where I heard it but it wasn't on NPR or CNN. It might have been on the English language news in Tokyo.
