The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57005   Message #894733
Posted By: GUEST
20-Feb-03 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: Moratorium: Pro/Anti Iraq Threads
Subject: RE: Moratorium: Pro/Anti Iraq Threads
There is plenty of stuff in thread I don't read. I scroll past those posts. It is really a pretty simple procedure, easily accomplished with a standard mouse.

I choose to scroll past what I'm not interested in reading, rather than demanding that what I don't like, don't find interesting, think is badly written, or too long, be censored by the admin.

The reason why I don't ask the admin to censor what I don't like, is because I understand that other people will like it. I also understand that the cardinal rule of enjoying any internet forum, is skipping what you don't want to read, rather than demanding that those who are posting what one doesn't wish to read, shut up and go away and stop posting here.