The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4423   Message #894735
Posted By: Carly
20-Feb-03 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: Can anyone learn to sing
Subject: RE: Can anyone learn to sing

Your music teacher must have migrated from Maryland. I had the identical experience in a required junior high music class. I was told I was a valuable member of the class, however; I could sell tickets to the concert. I was a closet singer after that, until my college roommate, and the combined support of many FSGW members, got me to open my mouth. I am not one of the world's great voices, but there are people who seem to like my singing, and have even been willing to pay to hear me. Most importantly, I love to sing, especially in groups of poeple, and I will not deny myself that joy.

Diana, Do not let ANYONE keep you from singing, especially that interior voice of doubt that has been planted in you.

Mmario, I sympathize with your interior struggle. I still suffer from attacks of terror that I will open my mouth and people will flee.I deal with it in public by concentrating on the thought that whoever is listening will love the music, the stories and the emotions, and forgive my shortcomings.