The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57018   Message #894868
Posted By: Rick Fielding
20-Feb-03 - 11:22 PM
Thread Name: Review: Songs America Voted By. Fine collection
Subject: Review: Songs America Voted By. Fine collection
There's a book that I've been thumbing through every couple of months for the past few years and I thought I'd see how many other folks have found it as enjoyable as I have. It's called "Songs America Voted By" and I may even have gotten it from J. Offer (if so, thanks a ton Joe) I can't remember for sure.

It's edited by Irwin Silber and has NO connection with an album put out a while ago purporting to be election songs through the years, but really just a bunch of composed songs with the candidates names in them. Can't give ya more info, than it's published by "Stackpole Books"...which I've never heard of.

There are some real surprises here, not the least of which is the inclusion of (much of) "The Highland Muster Roll" (Little Wat Ye Wha's A Comin')...remember that incredibly stirring rant that Ewan MacColl would start off his concerts with to loosen up his vocal chords? Well here it is as an 'anti-John Adams' song/rant, complete with very American lyrics.

"Plunder's comin, Blunder's comin'
Robbin's comin' Jobbin's comin'
......and the plague O' war's a comin'"

(ha, ha, any similarity to current political situation NOT actual fact I was re-reading the book to take my mind OFF current politics!)

Anyway this is a fascinating book if your interest in Folk Music goes beyond The Kingston Trio (or NOT, for that matter), so if you see it in a used store grab it.

