The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57011   Message #895010
Posted By: InOBU
21-Feb-03 - 05:28 AM
Thread Name: No BS : Mudcat Privacy - What If?
Subject: RE: No BS : Mudcat Privacy - What If?
Dear Friends:
Any amount of paranoia is justified in an America which proposes to remove the first right, citizenship from those who one branch of government, the executive branch, decides is in support of terrorism. However, the greatest protection against this tyrany is to be brave, and brave together. Mr. Bush and his cronies seek to spread fear of speaking out. The arrest of my dear friend Lynne Stuart, who epitomises what a fearless American lawyer should aspire to be, the arrest of the Florida palistinian professor, who's speaches I find to be extreem, but protected by the first amendment I love, these actions are designed to keep up from standing together by the hundreds of thousand to say no to war, to say no to American fasism, to say no to the removal of the rights for which Americans separated themselves from England. We must be as brave as the Americans who said no in the eighteenth century to rule by a king who tried in star chambers, in the nineteenth centry, those fellows of mine, who smuggled slaves out of the American south.
My dear friend Leprichan. I agree, the anarchists whould likely put you in jail. However, they will never in any dream, run this nation. The real barbarian at the door is now inside the door and removeing those rights you swore to uphold. There is much more in common between thee and me than between the Anarchists and I, and though I love the Anarchists and their belief in human good, they often hijack the peaceful efforts of many by misbehaving at demonstrations. However, the most paranoid among us cannot emagine a sinario by which these teenage kids will paint the whitehouse black and hoist the A flag over the capitol.
So yes, as I have sometimes said, I am Lawrence Otway, 80 Saint Marks Place New York, 10003, completely open to discuss with my fellows in America and the world the great freedoms we are called in, in this generation to protect. God send us a Franklynn, Payne and Jefferson (not Bill Jefferson Clinton, I should say) to remind us that slave owning men once dreamed larger than they could live to create this nation of great potential, now endangered by small men with dreams of control, tyrants who weald fear and call it freedom.
Liberty, use it or loose it.