The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56984   Message #895026
Posted By: Teribus
21-Feb-03 - 05:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Margaret Thatcher
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
Hi Doug,

Describing them as "liberals" - they are far from it!! What rule of law means to those posting some of the remarks above is - That you can abide by what laws suit your particular point of view, while blithely ignoring and breaking those you don't agree with.

In this particular instance the charge I believe was one of causing crminal damage - to which the defendant pleaded guilty - quite right too because he was guilty - extenuating circumstances, mitigating circaumstances, call them what you will, were heard and the man was sentenced.

The man involved, as someone said above, did come over as a complete and utter "prat", he will probably continue throughout his life as a complete and utter "prat", and after three months ahs elapsed, those such as, Strupag; bbfSS; pict; MGOH; Gareth; GUEST (anon); bigdarve; Greycap; Fiolar and banjomad, can lionise him till their hearts content - He will probably dine-out on this for years. More fool them.