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Thread #56975   Message #895051
Posted By: Teribus
21-Feb-03 - 07:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam Has Got To Go
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam Has Got To Go
Someone else quoted this form a link supplied above:

"In October 2000, Yugoslav dictator Slobodan Milosevic was removed from power — not by force of arms, as many had predicted, but by a dedicated, nonviolent strategy of honest elections and massive civil disobedience. Milosevic was strengthened by patriotic fervor when NATO bombed Yugoslavia in early 1999, but a few months later, a student movement named Otpor ("resistance" in Serbian) launched a surprising offensive."

Slobodan Milosevic - "Saviour of Serbia" or "Butcher of the Balkans"

Start of his ethnic cleansing operation in Kosovo early 1998.

UN negotiate with Milosevic and actually drag him to a Peace Conference in France, 19th March, 1999. Unsuccessful.

NATO Bombing campaign starts 24th March, 1999 to protect Kosovo Albanians and interrupt Serbian Army operations.

9th June, 1999 Serbians agree to withdraw all forces from Kosovo.

UN applies economic and aid sanctions against Serbia over war crimes.

Milosevic calls elections in September 2000, effects of sanctions and Montenegro threatening to break away from the Federation, secured the election result for the Opposition. Milosevic refuses to accept the election result, there was a national general strike, the Serb Parliament Building and State TV Station were stormed and burnt and the Army and Police refused to act against the protesters.

Had the Peace Protesters in UK and the rest of Europe been listened to when they protested at the NATO decision (Not sanctioned by the UN) to use military intervention. Milosevic's Kosovo campaign would have been successful (let's face it the UNSC wasn't going to act was it - it never does) - there would have been no humiliating withdrawal to explain - Serbia's infrastructure and industry would have been intact, there may, or may not, have been UN sanctions, but the Serb's big brother - Russia - would have seen them alright, and would have ensured that whatever sanctions were applied, remained totally ineffective. Montenegro could have been bullied into line accepting almost direct rule on dictat from Belgrade. Elections would not have been called in September 2000, there would have been no protest movement, no general strike and the Army and Police would have obeyed the orders of the country's Head of State.

So to say that: "Yugoslav dictator Slobodan Milosevic was removed from power by a dedicated, nonviolent strategy of honest elections and massive civil disobedience." is being slightly disengenuous.

Action, or the results of action, got rid of Slobodan Milosevic. Action, or the results of action, will get rid of Saddam Hussein. The sooner the UNSC realise that the better - as an organisation it has proved itself to be weak and ineffectual time after time - its defining moment has come, as Colin Powell has reminded it of.